Building Community Preparedness


Rise to the Challenge: Transform Your Pantry into a Lifeline. Unleash your culinary creativity in the face of adversity and join a community striving for resilience and resourcefulness.

Survival Cooking: Unleashing Innovation with Limited Ingredients

In a world where natural disasters can strike unexpectedly, being prepared is more than just a necessity – it's a skill. This unique competition invites you to showcase your culinary creativity using only pantry items.

No power, no running water, no refrigeration – just your ingenuity and the staples you have on hand.

Welcome to the Emergency Pantry Challenge!

How to Get Involved

Submit Your Recipe

Kickstart your journey by sending in your unique recipe. We encourage you to include photographs of your dish and share your thoughts or story behind the recipe. Whether it's a family favourite or a new creation, we want to see how you make the most out of pantry staples in an emergency scenario.

Compilation and Selection

Once we receive all entries, our team will embark on the exciting task of compiling them. We're looking for recipes that are not only practical and tasty but also embody the spirit of resilience and resourcefulness. The selected recipes will be featured in our exclusive emergency cookbook, which will be professionally printed, published, and distributed across the Gold Coast.

Announcement of Winners

The moment of truth! We will announce the successful entries that have demonstrates exceptional culinary creativity under constraints. If your recipe is chosen to be included in the book, prepare to receive a comprehensive emergency preparedness kit, along with a $50 gift voucher as a token of appreciation and recognition for your innovative contribution.

Understanding the "Why?"

Beyond the surface of a cooking competition, this project holds significant value for individual preparedness and community resilience. Let's explore the three pivotal reasons that make this challenge not just important, but essential in our current times.

  • Enhancing Disaster Preparedness: This challenge encourages individuals to think creatively about using limited resources during emergencies. By focusing on pantry-only recipes, participants learn to make nutritious and enjoyable meals even in power-outage or water-scarcity situations, enhancing their ability to cope in real-life disaster scenarios.

  • Building Community Resilience: The project brings together community members to share knowledge, skills, and experiences. This collective effort not only fosters a sense of community solidarity but also helps in creating a support network that can be crucial during times of crisis.

  • Encouraging Creativity and Adaptability: This challenge is not just about cooking; it's about thinking on your feet and adapting to challenging situations. It encourages participants to be inventive with limited ingredients, fostering a mindset of adaptability and resourcefulness that is essential in any emergency situation.

Project Partners

We are deeply appreciative of the support and collaboration from our partners in this endeavor. Their diverse expertise and commitment to community service are the driving forces behind the success of the Emergency Pantry Challenge. Each partner organization brings a unique perspective and set of skills, enriching our collective efforts to build resilience and preparedness within the community. Their involvement goes beyond mere participation; they are integral to creating a supportive network that empowers and educates, fostering a sense of unity and strength in facing challenges together. This collaboration is a testament to what can be achieved when different groups come together for a common, impactful cause.

Although funding for this product has been provided by both the Australian and Queensland Governments, the material contained herein does not necessarily represent the views of either Government.